Why Implex?

Turning unusual vision into a novel map-based web product

CyberQuantic's web application transforms a mind map with cases into an innovative map-based website with intuitive navigation. Mental maps are the primary content and navigation method with an easy-to-read visualization. The web app is integrated with CyberQuantic's knowledge base and maintains a high level of website performance. The site includes data on 600+ AI firms in Europe and 200+ open APIs, and excellent Google PageSpeed Insights ratings.
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logo of CyberQuantic
AI Consulting
Client since:
CyberQuantic is a consulting company that offers solutions to manage business processes automation, performance, and security. It is specializing in artificial intelligence with projects focused on machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more. Since 2018, the company has completed over 50 projects for more than 35 clients worldwide. Additionally, the company has a large knowledge base of use cases for artificial intelligence projects to help clients solve problems and offer ideas based on completed projects by their competitors.
simply navigates over 600 AI companies and 200+ open APIs
90-100 RATING
on Google PageSpeed for both desktop and mobile
of the existing CRM thanks to Airtable integration
Services and expertise


The challenge laid down in transforming a mind map with cases into a novel map-based website with convenient and intuitive navigation.

CyberQuantic has decided to take a non-standard approach, with its website focusing on what clients are searching for, rather than on the company and its specialties. The goal is for the client to feel like the main actor on the website, and to find solutions for their needs, whether it be to improve business efficiency, enhance their processes, or advance their knowledge in artificial intelligence.

Not only did we have to implement an intuitively understandable design, but to integrate with CyberQuantic's knowledge base while maintaining a high level of website performance without skyrocketing costs.

Avatar of Elsane Guglielmino
Elsane Guglielmino CEO Quotium Technologies/CyberQuantic - Business Angel

Implex's remarkable dedication and proficiency in problem-solving stood out in our collaboration. Their expertise shone through not only in their stellar design and user experience proposals but also in their highly professional project management skills. Implex ensured transparency and control over the project's progression by utilizing weekly deliverables and meetings effectively. Their punctual communication style complemented their overall professional competence, making the entire collaboration smooth and successful


Since the main idea was to make mental maps the primary content and navigation method for the website, we started our work with CyberQuantic from the ideation stage, during which we focused on mental maps. The design uses hexagons to efficiently navigate concepts and use cases to present information and data structures in an easy-to-read and understandable way.

UI/UX Design

The concept for the website design was based on using hexagons to represent a huge scope of information efficiently. The website's main idea is that a user can navigate between concepts, and by selecting one, they can be redirected to a list of use cases with short descriptions that have been implemented on the chosen topic. Additionally, by selecting a specific user case, they can access a page with a detailed case description. If necessary, the user can submit a request for feedback to estimate a similar case.

The hexagons were developed manually without using third-party libraries in order to ensure maximum productivity while working with them.

Technical Solution

To ensure high website performance, the decision was made to use Next.js — a framework based on React that allows the creation of web applications with improved performance and user experience through additional features of pre-rendering, such as full server-side rendering (SSR) and static page generation (SSG).

To smoothly integrate with current CyberQuantic’s business processes, we integrated the site with their Airtable DB and used its API for searching and reading data. The solution allows potential customers and partners to conveniently leave context-dependent requests to CyberQuantic, implementing an effective lead generation machine defended by react-google-Recaptcha.

The tools and technologies we used were:



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Thanks to the cohesive work of our team, the use of technological solutions, and extensive experience in developing web applications, we have created an innovative website with an intuitively understandable design.

We are most proud of the following achievements:

  • Intuitive and simple design, nevertheless the site provides information about a list of over 600 companies in Europe that are working in the field of artificial intelligence, as well as a list of over 200 open APIs
  • Excellent ratings of 90-100 on Google PageSpeed Insights for both desktop and mobile devices

The website is supported in two languages (UI and data): English and French. It also has an adaptive design for mobile and tablet devices and supports the most popular web browsers.

More Case Studies

We take great pride in the work we do and the values we uphold. Here are some of our best case studies
Image for Telemetry service for data-driven decisions & product growth

Telemetry service for data-driven decisions & product growth

Implementation of the new Telemetry service, which should have a significant impact on Percona's business decision process. By collecting data on how the company’s product and services were being used by clients, Percona is able to identify and prioritize new features based on user needs and improve the product development flow. This lightweight, scalable service was implemented with high quality, allowing the company to meet its product release schedule and manage its software more efficiently.
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Image for Bid farewell to blocks, restrictions, and CAPTCHAs

Bid farewell to blocks, restrictions, and CAPTCHAs

Implex built a custom software to scrape data from the internet to support client’s marketing efforts. Web scraping is a technique used to extract data from websites. However, some websites are well-protected and can make scraping more difficult. This case study will present the solution we've developed to overcome common problems that can be encountered while scraping more demanding websites. These issues include protection against scraping from IPs of public clouds and VPNs, the requirement of a CAPTCHA, rate limiting per IP address, and region-specific restrictions.
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Image for Flutter Edtech App for primary school students

Flutter Edtech App for primary school students

A cross-platform mobile application that helps to learn the Ukrainian language to kids whose native language is Hungarian or Romanian. Developed for schoolchildren, it is simple, logical, concise, and at the same time, attractive and low resource-consuming to work fast, even on old mobile devices. The app has been created in partnership with a digital agency, "Friends of Brands", for the program of cooperation between Ukraine, Finland, and the EU aims to support the reform of the New Ukrainian School (NUSch).
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Image for (R)evolution of the high-load visual art web encyclopedia

(R)evolution of the high-load visual art web encyclopedia

The aim of the project was to make art accessible to anyone, anywhere. Today, WikiArt features over 250,000 artworks by 5,000 artists, localized to 8 languages. These artworks are displayed in museums, universities and town halls of more than 100 countries, yet most of it is not on public view. The client claims that they are planning to cover the entire art history of the Earth, from cave artworks to modern private collections.
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Image for trustful cooperation in education domain trustful cooperation in education domain is a free virtual admissions coach that offers step-by-step guides through the admissions process of the best schools. The developed solution allows for generating personalized admissions programs based on the applicant's background and goals. provides tools and lessons designed to optimize the applicant's admissions chances by framing the applicant's thinking and informing critical admissions decisions.
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Image for Rapid MVP for the on-line mobile and web car auction

Rapid MVP for the on-line mobile and web car auction

A B2B startup for car dealers who sell used vehicles across the USA via the marketplace. The developed application has a whole range of functions to support the workflows of car dealers and inspectors, like auctions workflow, live and proxy bidding, post-auction counter offering, and deal closing. The solution is integrated with different APIs to gather information about vehicles, helping dealers make the right decisions at auctions
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Image for Lightning-fast website for a reputable cybersec company

Lightning-fast website for a reputable cybersec company

A cybersecurity services company Berezha Security Group rebranded as BSG in 2020. So they needed to improve their website, but redesign was only part of the story. The ultimate goal was to make the website fast and SEO-friendly, keeping its Google PageSpeed Insights scores in the green 90-100 range, what's impossible using a WordPress-like CMS approach. A static website with perfect usability, external CMS and one-click deployment functionality, and revision control successfully represents the BSG brand now.
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